Mik Artistik is as much an old style performance poet as he is a songwriter. Think early John Cooper Clarke. His track Plastic Fox on the face of it might seem a little daft, perhaps, but he’s actually tapped into the everyday and made it interesting. That kind of sideways look at the little things in life is done so well by the likes of Cooper Clarke, The Fall and, of course, Half Man Half Biscuit.
As well as Youtube you’ll find Mik Artistik on Spotify if you want to listen before you buy. You’ll find such tracks as:
Brian Ferry’s Greatest Hits – A track about the wonders we can find when rooting through skips but not all as it seems…
Sweet Leaf of the North – Another observational track about finding a leaf on your windscreen and realising it’s been with you for the length of a long journey.
Window Cleaner – Is upbeat and sinister and as short as two slurps of my tea as I type this.
She Looks Like Me Mam - And she's a Leeds fan...
Retired Corr - I'll say no more...
So if you like your music northern, witty, but most all eccentric and eclectic there’s plenty to check out online. I’m told plenty of gigs coming up too.